relaxing-hot-tubWhile relaxing in your hot tub is normally an enjoyable and safe experience, if your spa water is not properly maintained, chemicals and bacteria can lead to unwanted skin irritation. And lets be straight here, rashes can be uncomfortable a frustrating! Recently there’s been a rise in questions about the symptoms of Hot Tub Folliculitis, Hot Hand-Foot Syndrome, and how these compare to a less severe chemical sensitivity. I’ve taken it upon myself to point out some differences in the three, yet more importantly let you know how to prevent them from happening!

Chemical Sensitivity

Hot tubs are a favorite pastime due to the fact that they are a warm and relaxing place to let the days worries wash away. However hot water can suck the moisture out of your skin! If your hot tub is properly maintained chemicals such as Chlorine or Bromine can also dry your skin out. If you’ve been spending some time in the tub lately and noticed that your skin is getting dry, don’t scratch!!! Scratching dry skin can lead to irritation, and embarrassing redness and bumps! ]

Hot Tub Folliculitis

Folliculitis Hot Tub Folliculitis can be much more severe than your typical Chemical Sensitivity. Hot tub Folliculitis is a bacterial condition caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacteria can spread in under-sanitized spas or pools and infect hair follicles or breaks in the skin. This rash can cause fevers, bumps leading to painful nodules or blisters, and cause extreme discomfort. These symptoms can surface anywhere from a few hours to a couple days and are more commonly seen on arms, legs, back, and stomach, but can spread to other areas of the body as well.




Hot Hand-Foot Syndrome

Caused by the same bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), Hot Hand-Foot Syndrome can cause fevers, nodules on palms and soles of the feet, cause extreme discomfort when walking.

Easy Prevention

Don’t sweat it! Preventing skin rashes from your spa is simple and easy! The answer: maintain your spa water! By keeping up on the pH and sanitizer levels in your spa you can easily prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Some Helpful Tips:

  • Test your water frequently using the proper test strips for your sanitizer.
  • Change your hot tub water after high bather loads and no less than once every 3-4 months.
  • Make sure to shower after spa use.
  • Using all natural shea butter moisturizers can also be useful in preventing dry skin after hot tub soaking.


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English: Wood-fired Hot Tub at the Adirondack ...

English: Wood-fired Hot Tub at the Adirondack Canoe Classic, Saranac Lake, NY (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. The famous E-Z Lifter is so-named because it’s easy to install, easy to operate. Fits most spa shapes, attaching to the hot tub’s base or directly to deck. No need for large mounting plates or permanent cover attachments. Simple, durable, reliable! EZ Lifter is the affordable spa cover removal & storage system you can depend on.

The famous E-Z Lifter is easy to install, easy to operate and fits most spa shapes, attaching to the hot tub’s base or directly to deck. No need for large mounting plates or permanent cover attachments. Simple, durable, reliable[b1] . Click Here to Order!

2. The wider version EZ Lifter XL is designed for spa covers from 96″ to 108″ across. So-named because it’s easy to install, easy to operate. Fits most spa

shapes, attaching to the hot tub’s base or directly to deck. No need for large mounting plates or permanent cover attachments. Simple, durable, reliable! EZ Lifter XL is the affordable spa cover removal & storage system you can depend on.
The wider version EZ Lifter XL is designed for spa covers from 96″ to 108″ across. Easy to install, easy to operate. Fits most spa shapes, attaching to the hot tub’s base or directly to deck. No need for large mounting plates or permanent cover attachments. Simple, durable, reliable. Click Here to Buy Now!

3. The CoverMate I ECO is the affordable American-made topside-mount
